Most people have goals, reasons why they are doing a particular set of activities. Understanding why we do the things that we do is critical for staying motivated. When learning anything new, whether on-the-job or in a formal education setting, learners often ask why. In business, saavy individuals also often ask why. Consider the business owner that wants to know why his/her company isn't performing at its best. Or how about company leaders who are wondering why their competitors were chosen to provide a particular product or service. What about asking why some places are better places to work at than others. And here's a question that might be more applicable to you as you begin your career: why should I chose to work at one company over another?
The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award asks a lot of whys. The MBNQA is more than a list of criteria, it is a training ground for asking why. Smart business people use the MBNQA to help them determine why an organization is performing at a particular level. Over the last 30 years, the MBNQA criteria has evolved into seven categories that describe what an organization absolutely must do well in order to be a world class organization. Isn't that the sort of organization that you would like to be a part of? One that will be able to withstand the multitude of changes and challenges presented by a global economy. How will you identify such an organization during your interviewing and job hunting process? How will you convince them that you are able to fit into a world class organization?
IET 321, with its focus on the MBNQA is interested in training you to recognize performance excellence in seven categories that are vital to an organization's success. If you look closely (and check out those end of chapter 'Are You a Quality Person?' exercises), you will see that these seven categories are vital to your career success also.